Monday, August 07, 2006

MA1 Shock ....

Sigh! The understanding and time wasted to see a 12.1/30 for Macroeconomics Analysis Module Test. What a terrible feeling to see 17.9% marks thrown away just by a simple click of the mouse. Dissappointed =(

Well total marks attained for MA1 including the above test would be 37.1/55. If i were to take my project and participation marks into the whole sum, i think i would barely touch a B grade! A 4 credit subject flush down the drain. (I screwed up my Malaysia Economic Growth chart FYI)

Now to continue going on studying for understanding cross cultural diversity (UCCD), customer relationship management (CRM), electronic commerce management (ECM), financial accounting (FA) and banking and financial institutions (BFI). Hmm towards a 3.7GPA!


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