Friday, February 22, 2008


Hmm, Congratulations to Singapore for winning the bid for the 2010 Youth Olympics! Finally, new sports facilities for its citizens to use. LOL~~!! It is actually quite interesting to find a write up by Reuters on how Singapore is to the rest of the world. Here is the short article.

* Singapore is famous for its tight social controls and restrictions on the sale of chewing gum. Homosexuality is illegal (but tolerated) and pornography is banned. Demonstrations are illegal, while public speaking and gatherings of more than four people require a permit. Reporters Without Borders' 2007 press freedom index ranked Singapore 141st out of 169 countries, after Azerbajian and Sudan, reflecting restrictions on the media and arts.

* Singapore has stiff penalties for drug use and a mandatory death penalty for drug traffickers. Singapore also practices caning for a variety of offences.

* The city-state has been trying to soften its image in recent years, with government ministers saying they want to create a "vibrant" city with more "buzz". It allowed some bars to stay open for 24 hours, permitted bar-top dancing, and held its first sex exhibition. In a bid to woo tourists and boost its image, Singapore legalized casino gambling in 2005 and is building two multi-billion-dollar casinos.

Yep. Well, i was speaking to Trey yesterday and we hope the Military doesn't mobilized us to protect these Olympiads in 2010. I will find it really weird.

Anyhow its World Scout's Founder's Day and Thinking Day and i will be putting up articles from both Chief Commissioner's in Singapore.


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