So there will be alot of sight seeing today. Lol! Besides visiting a major company that does packaging, we will be moving towards Foshan.
Towards our breakfast in the hotel garden.
A grand entrance? Nope just a entrance. Lol!
Our Jiu Tien. (I still dun understand why is the name called wine house.) Lol!
Powerd by breakfast to take a long hibernation break towards Foshan. KJ was beginning to fall ill. Gee
Sek listening to his MP4 which is pretty much used by Q Q most of the time. Wahaha!
There you go receptionist of Southern Packagaing Group.
All the products like Body Shop, Starbucks, Milo, etc. (big names) are all packaged by them. Imagine the rate of turnover.
The sian face. Lol! I was probably dazy and distracted at the whole presentation was in Chinese.
The president of the company who has a son in Ngee Ann Polytechnic Business Studies. Like what Seng Liang mentioned, it is terrible as the father does not even know which polytechnic his son is in. This was commented as he was not sure of which polytechnic his son belong to during his presentation and speech.
When i first looked at this logo. It kind of reminded my of Singapore. See the Lion and the five stars. Oh well i guess it has some resemblance because he was in Singapore for business in his 20 years with the company.
Hmm the Foshan Museum which showcases all the famous textiles, architectual, figures and artworks of the past.
Foshan ^_^ Imprinted on concrete. Gee Indigenious Chinese.
Magnificient Gate. Each level having its own story to tell. Some what similar to those Buddhist Temples you see in Singapore.
More pictures.
Any more pictures. Think its June and Kevin.
Nice hall.
People walking so fast in the dark. All the blurry images captured by my camera.
Nice figures. Guardians ^_^ Hmm...
Look at the artwork. Not sure of what material it is. Definitely filled with details at every part.
Not sure what this are. The guide moved to fast. Now that most of them are in the front, I was more or less by myself now.
Sudden snapped! Zhi Feng, Chris and Ricky
This are the figures you see on the roofs of ancient chinese buildings.
More of them. ^_^
Wang Fei Hong!!!
Lovell and KJ with the martial arts expert.
A reduplication of his home. Nice and simple!
Martial arts illustration depicting all the famous moves. Madness! I thought it only existed in television.
Lion heads!!
A picture of an olden sewing machine.
3 Mountain Goats. Heh!
Zun Kit! Like some dragon ball figure with the mountain goats. Lol!
Oh there are 5. Lol!
Nice Toilet found in China! Lol!
Acting cranky ^_^ Lol!
Ferry ride ticket at GuangZhou!
The night scene of GuangZhou. Beautiful.
The clique of 9. From Left clockwise QQ, Ah Kit, Xiao Bai, KJ, Cecilia, Chris, Lowelle, Joanne!
Bridges linking the towns! Cool network.
Me again! Being weird. Lol!
The four girls and a half. Lol!
Hmm sudden picture taken out of no where. Lol!
Posed picture. Funny but cool! Look at Cecilia's rude middle finger. Geeeee!
Act cute picture by all Lol! Including Lecturers. ^_^
Very closed up picture till Lovelle is cut out. Woops!
3 Blinding Lights by my Nikon S1 Lol!
Act cute picture 1 Lol!
Act cute picture 2!
Really nice night scene! I recommend people to go GuangZhou. Although i don't really feel that this place is very safe. Be careful. Ensure accompaniement and take care of belongings.
Mr. Ferry. Lol!
A picture taken outside S&K! Lol! I was bored.
And so we were not allowed to go far to shop that night due to the recommendations of our guide who said that the streets of GuangZhou are not very safe. So we went to look around our hotel area and purchase some McDonalds for our supper. Filet O Fish lol! Many burgers. Wow! At QQ's room. Not forgetting too that Chris was on a winning streak for Black Jack. Lol! Madness. Oh well looking forward to shopping tomorrow. Heh heh!
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